How to Write a blog on very popular niche ?

Blogs about popular niche
If, you are new at blogging and want to start a blogging  site about tech or other popular niche.

Then you feel that every great idea or topic is already picked by another blogger a long time before you started.

And this is truth that which topic you want to cover is already covered by another author.

(For example - if you want to start a blog about" how to start a blog for free ?"
Then just Google it, you will find tons of articles about it.)

So, next question is

How we can make our blog different from others when there is tons of information is already present on internet about your niche.

Then the answer is
In this post, we shared some of the best tips to make your blog different from others blogs

  • Look at some untouched factors
  • Look at some different aspects 
  • Go deeper and give more information 
  • Pick Micro-niche 

Look at some untouched factors 

If you want that, your blog looks different from others than you can write about something which is untouched by another blogger.

I know it is hard to find someone new but, if you want something extraordinary you have to do something extraordinary for it.

For example - in today's time everyone is writing about present technology or upcoming technology but no is writing about old stuff.
That's didn't mean no one wants to read about old stuff you can write articles about old technology.

In that niche you find way less competition then niche like top ten phone or top ten this or that.

Look at some different aspects      

Second thing, if you want to write a blog post on anything which is popular. Then there are very high chances of that the topic you want to choose is already picked by another blogger.

Then what you can,

You can look another aspect of that thing. Because every coin has two faces so you can pick another face that topic to write a article.

For example - if you want to write about how technology helps us but that topic is picked thousands of times.
Disadvantages about that topic is written way less  so you can pick topics with less competition.

 Go deeper and give more information     

If you choose  a topic like tech, traveling vlogs,or health which is chosen by many other bloggers before. Then there are very high chances that they covered pretty much everything about that topic.

To make difference you have to write in depth as much as you can and with more information in similar ways.

For example - if you want to review any product and this product is reviewed by the many another blogger then to make a difference,
You can write your review with more words and information.
If others write posts in 2000 words then you can go to 2500 words with more information than can make a difference.

Pick Micro-niche

In today's world the competition is very high among all bloggers.
And, you can say they are really good at their work.  so, if you want to stay in blogging industry then keep in mind that you can't beat everyone.

So, you have to pick a Micro-niche.

This will help your blog to grow faster and help to make identity.

For example - if you start a blog and in that blog you posted post about reviews products, seo, and many other stuff. Then your blog definitely got failed.
Because your blog didn't target any specific audience and because of that reason you started to loose your audience.

So be focused and stay motivated 

Pankaj Rawat 

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