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Top 8 tips to write a professional blog |
If you started to read a blog post then the blog should be best version of its self.
The way of writing of every writer or blogger is different. This is because everyone's thinking is different from each other.
The niche of every blogger is different.
But to make their blog more attractive they follow some rules and try these tips. which is some among all the successful blogs.
In this blog i am going to share these tips
- Stop boring
- Respect your work
- Display some emotions
- Write in a conversational tone
- Use image
- Use short sentences
- Use stories
- Update your content
If you want to be successful blogger then remember that don't bore your audience.
If you created an informative blog then you have to explain that information with some interesting way.
You can add some interesting facts about that topic.
Respect your work
If you want respect from others first you have to respect what you are doing.
If you respect your work then your master piece will help you to gain respect from other.
Once i was working at a street i saw a bunch of panting hanging on foot.
Then i saw that paintings. i was like what a beautiful portrait then i ask for price.
He was like 400 rupees only.
I got shocked that he was selling his master piece at that low price.
That is because he didn't respect his art.
For me that piece of art is very valuable.
So respect your work if want to get respect from others.
Display some emotions
When you write a blog make sure that your audience can feel that connection in your post.
In my opinion the emotional bond is the strongest bond between the two people.
Because when you feel a connection with other person you got emotionally connected, with that person.
So when you start a writing a blog post, always remember to write something which connect with your audience.
Which created a bond between you and your audience.
Write in a conversational tone
When you write a blog post for your audience. Make sure that your blog post is in conversation format.
Write just like you are talking to your friend that will help you to make that bound, which helps you to gain more audience.
If you writing an informative blog post then use convention which helps your audience to understand in a simpler way.
Use image
If you writing a blog post don't forget to use images to make your blog more interesting.
Images make your blog more interesting and easy to understand.
One image will help you tell hundreds of words.
So make it simple to understand you have to use images.
Don't use images blindly it can cause harm to your blog or site.
Use images after buying its right otherwise you post can got copyright clam.
Use short sentences
When you write an article always remember to use short paragraphs.
Don't use paragraphs more than 6 or7 line.
When you use small paragraphs it will help your blog post to look great and easy to read.
When you use long paragraphs this will cause confusion and the paragraph didn't look great.
And when your audience see a long paragraph chances is very low, the audience will read h
Whole paragraph.
So keep simple and short paragraphed.
Use stories
When you write a blog post don't forget to use others reference and stores.
By telling stories you made your blog more interesting and your audience will feel and connect it by their life's.
When you are using stories to explain your points it will help your audience to understand what you want to show.
Use stories it will attract all types of audiences don't matter your blog post is readied by teenager or older person every one like to read stories.
Don't use stories unnecessary it will cause damage to your blog and reputation.
Update your content
The world is changing every day.
Today which is not possible today, that can be possible tomorrow. so stay updated.
It's your duty to update your audience knowledge by updating your content or your blog posts.
In starting i was afraid to edit my content because i was thinking if i update it then my audience will think that i give them wrong information before.
But that's not the case, you should update your content and fix every mistake you done before.
Write what you want want to read, it can't be boring.
Respect your self, then only you get respect from others.
Write as a friend, not as a teacher
Image tell its story by itself
Don't afraid to fix your mistakes
Pankaj Rawat
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